Termite inspection and solution in bait station


Termite inspections are an absolute must to ensure a safe and structurally sound home. Whether you need a termite inspection for a home purchase or are selling your home, it’s important to know if  you need to work with a pest control professional to eliminate an infestation. Even if you aren’t moving, pest control professionals stress the importance of annual termite inspections to avoid costly issues.

A termite inspection is when an expert looks for signs of an infestation. The main signs they will look for include evidence of:

  • Swarmers

  • Mud shelter tubes

  • Mud in construction joints

  • Wood in your landscape

  • Wood damage

To the untrained eye, these signs may be difficult to spot, especially since termites often eat wood from the inside out, making structures appear intact.

Based on a suitable inspection, we’ll find the termite colony through, then we can make a termite colony set there. The colony set is something conclude woods in, which is favorite by termite. Sometimes, one colony set is not enough, so we put two. While termite piled up in the colony set, we can consider to put attracts or not, and make termite powder in, which will cause the colony destroy.

Find more details of Termite colony bait station in Sengwin’s products series, you will find more solution about pest control.